"Just A thought..."

By Dan from Eborsisk

Just a thought... can life ever truly be appreciated without first coming close to death? For that matter, can anything ever be appreciated without the threat of it being taken from you? A loved one, an ability, a possession, a memory. All these things we take for granted and are never really cherished until we realise what it would be like to live without them.

And do we learn to cherish what we were close to losing, or a re we just given a new view of it, a different perspective. Would a near death experience make us cherish life, or just give an insight into what death really means (or both?)?

Also, would it be possible to become addicted, not to that which we nearly lost, but to the emotion caused by nearly losing something. Although I have never really come close to death myself, I think I would understand if someone repeatedly drove themselves close to death, for instance, to slit your wrists and survive, feeling the life seep from your body and then return, must be a feeling unlike any other in this world.

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